CACIT Germany 2025
International IGP Championship
26. – 30.03.2025
Registration Countdown
Welcome to the CACIT 2025
We hereby cordially invite you, dear working-dog athlete, to the third CACIT Germany in March 2025. The IGP dog sport season will open on March 26-30, 2025: This time in the Ostbayernhalle in Kreuth! A total of 160 starters from all over the world will compete against each other! The Ostbayernhalle has a gigantic field of 40m x 90m. In the heated hall we can enjoy our sport regardless of the weather. All restaurants, bars and also all sponsors and exhibitors will have their place in the hall. This has never happened before!
Admission to CACIT is free
Numerous top teams will be demonstrating their skills with first-class judges. CACIT Germany 2025 is the continuation of the successful CACIT 2023 and 2024 and is part of the Golden League network alongside CACIT Poland, CACIT Czech Republic and CACIT Netherlands. The IGP sport will be in the international spotlight across all breeds and at a high level as part of this series of events. We do not charge admission to the hall. Only the parking lots for spectators and campers are subject to a charge. Please use these spaces and support the refinancing of our valuable CACIT Germany with this contribution.

Visitor Parking
Dog Handler Parking
Official Trailer CACIT 2025

Greeting from the Mayor

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear dog lovers,
I am delighted that we will be hosting CACIT Germany 2025 and welcoming dog lovers from all over the world to our beautiful district of Amberg-Sulzbach. As District Administrator, I am delighted to take on the patronage of this renowned utility dog sport event and wish all participants – including their four-legged friends – exciting competitions and an unforgettable stay in the Oberpfalz.
With the Ostbayernhalle in Kreuth near Rieden as the venue for the championship, those responsible around Mathias Dögel have made a very good choice. The heated hall in the Kreuth equestrian sports and tournament center offers the ideal space for the requirements of dog sport as well as a nice retreat for talking shop with like-minded people. Geographically speaking, you are in the east of Bavaria and at the same time in the heart of the Free State. Our region is rich in history, culture and idyllic landscapes, attracting enthusiastic vacationers from all over to hike, bike and enjoy every year. Pretty hammer castles line up like pearls on a string along the rivers and bear witness to the former wealth of the hammer lords.
Heringnohe, Schmidmühlen and Leidersdorf are just a few examples. The most impressive is the late baroque hammer castle in Theuern, which you can visit just a few kilometers from Kreuth. The district of Amberg-Sulzbach has painstakingly renovated it and transformed it into a real gem of local cultural history. Today, the Kultur-Schloss Theuern is home to a supra-regional mining and industrial museum, which presents the mining and industrial history of the East Bavarian region. After all, you are in an economic area that was considered a European iron center until the 17th century.
As District Administrator of this lovable and liveable region, I would like to welcome you and wish all athletes and spectators of this internationally renowned event impressive days and, above all, much success and joy for you and your main protagonists, the dogs!
Glück auf,
Richard Reisinger
Landrat des Landkreises Amberg-Sulzbach